The armour of knights and warriors initially consisted of heavy metals, canvas base clothing, helmets and swords. As wars became harder, faster and more populated, the uniforms of armies needed to be altered to accommodate different needs. The heavy and impractical metal armour was ditched for khaki camouflage cotton, the knights headpieces were exchanged for smaller lighter reinforced helmets and the heavy swords were swapped for plastic and metal guns.
Because of advancements in technology and smart materials, it is now possible to have lightweight but strong metal. The newer styles of uniform are good for gun fight and quick manoeuvring, yet if they were to come in contact with a sword they are likely to fail. The trend will heavily feature chainmail, body and chest plates, armour pads and other metal defence wear. Realistically the metallic protection used in war is more effective than plastic or material and because of material development, these types of apparel will be easier to use.
The end of the world will also mean that shelters and barracks are likely to be destroyed, so my predicted 'Warrior Chic' trend will incorporate things needed to realistically survive. For example, faux fur will be a heavy feature of the trend. Real fur will not be used as a main resource, the army uniforms are made before war and faux fur is readily available in modern society.
This kind of concept has been touched on recently in high fashion and also pop culture. For example, (without being tacky) Beyonce's video for her recent song 'who run da world' features many of the elements I predict for my trend, just in a more mainstream and popular way.
My vision of warrior chic is more authentic, my vision of Warrior Chic see's the styles in a destroyed battle field of a destroyed society. The various elements of this trend will be displayed in the forthcoming posts on this page.
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